SUNDA 821 helmets are manufactured by LONG HUEI Vietnam Co. limited. This company has 30 years of experience in helmet production. Yearly they produce more than 2 million products/year, of which 20% are consumed domestically ( Sunda Hemet ) and 80% are exported to the world. They have total 4 brand product, those are ZEUS, SUNDA, CROMO, and ANDES Helmet. Their ZEUS Helmet are renowned brand all over the world.
SUNDA 821 Helmet Details:
01. Made in Vietnam.
02. Market leader in Vietnam
03. Market leader in Vietnam
04. International standard, modern, full scale tested:
A. Shock-Absorption Test:
Low temperature
B. Laboratory:
Wind Tunnel Tested
Dyn. Test of the retention system
Field of Vision Test
Rigidity Test
Chin strap and buckle Test
05. Exceptional weight Distribution.
06. Integrated wind channels in EPS
07. SUNDA Cooling System
08. Anti-Allergic, anti-odor Padding
09. Comfortable padding with high quality different materials
10. UV400 Clear Visor
11. SUNDA Certification: QCVN, DOT, ECE, JIS, CNS, SNI. ( Our product QCVN)
12. Helmet easily washes possible
13. Spare Parts available
14. Hat style: Fullface
15. Material: ABS plastic
16. Size: L
17. Weight: 1150 ± 50 g
Vietnam Link :
SUNDA Helmet importer and distributor in Bangladesh is MototechBD.